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Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Park Trust was ‘born’ in 1974; it is made up of a group of volunteers, with the aim of maintaining the area of land known as ‘The Upper Racecourse’ to ensure the recreational enjoyment of the people of Haverfordwest and its surrounding area.
For the purpose of providing, through the establishment and maintenance of a Public Park, facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation, for the benefit of the inhabitants of Haverfordwest and the neighbourhood thereof, without distinction of sex or of political, religious, or other opinions, so that their condition of life may thereby be improved.
Camping, the erection of tents or shelters and the use of open fires or barbecues is strictly forbidden anywhere on the Haverfordwest Racecourse. Properly organised events authorised by the Racecourse Committee or the Haverfordwest Cricket Club are exempt.
Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Park Trust (HRPPT)
The Haverfordwest Racecoure Public Park Trust came into existence in 1974 and it assumed responsibility for the 57 acres that are known as ‘the Upper Racecourse’.
Up until that time, this area could only be considered poor quality farm land fit only for sheep to graze on. All of the land inside the ‘horse shoe’ was closed off from public use.
In 1974 the Portfield Recreation Committee (PRC) decided to put this land up for sale. This decision met with a public outcry that resulted in a petition carrying over four thousand signatures being presented to the Secretary of State for Wales. Faced with such opposition it was decided not to proceed with the sale.
The Portfield Recreation Committee suggested that a properly constituted public body could rent the land for £600 per annum as long as it developed it for recreational purposes.
So the Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Park Trust was born.
By 1985 (the 150th anniversary of the formation of the Racecourse) the HRPPT had transformed the whole of the Upper Racecourse from being rough land that was closed to the public into the Public Park it is today.
It did this with the help of such bodies as the Town Council, the Bridge Meadow Trust, Pembrokeshire County Council and the Haverfordwest Cricket Club.
The Upper Racecourse now accommodates two cricket pitches, three football pitches, one and a quarter miles of all weather walkways, many acres of woodland and many more acres of grassland on which people enjoy exercise at their free will and pleasure.
This gem is maintained by the voluntary body known as the Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Park Trust and that body is heavily reliant on the public for its support.
How far is it to walk round?
A walk round the inner tarmacked path will take you about 1.25 miles. Around the outer “horseshoe” grassed area will be about 1.3 miles and this rises to about 1.75 miles if you cross the road and walk around the lower racecourse (not part of our Trust) as well.
If you would like further information or to provide suggestions about the racecourse activities please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Please use the form if you would like to apply for a horse riding permit (valid from 1st May to 30 September). For details see Horse riding by permit only
Please note responsibility for the Lower Racecourse lies with the Portfield Recreation Committee whose Clerk can be contacted via this link .
If your query is about the Cricket Club, the Cricket Club Kitchen or the changing rooms then their details can be found at: Haverfordwest Cricket Club