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March 2020 - Haverfordwest Racecourse

Quiz Night

A Message of thanks from Pat Lewis

On Friday 6th March 2020 it was my privilege to organise, along with Bill Carne, a Fun Quiz Night designed to raise much needed funds for the Racecourse Public Parks Trust.

I am pleased to report that we raised the sum of £775.

Only too often we forget to say thank you to the people who help to make such an event successful. I would like to make sure that this is not the case on this occasion by listing those who made such important contributions. I run the risk of missing someone out and I hope they will forgive me if this proves to be the case. However, I feel it important to show appreciation to the many people who helped to raise such a fantastic sum of money.

Thank you to Haverfordwest Cricket Club for allowing us the use of its facilities and to Mark Coneybeare fo his assistance. Thanks to Bill Carne, our resident Question Master and his wife Marilyn, who together provided such enjoyable entertainment.

£235 raised by the raffle speaks volumes for the high regard that the Racecourse is held in by those present. Thanks must go to Councillor Roy Thomas and his wife Shirley for their wonderful sales technique.

It is a credit to the Committee of the Racecourse Public Parks Trust that so many members contributed to the success of the evening. All three officers gave a generous donation along with Mrs Maureen Pratt, Cllr Chris Thomas, David Loosmore, Mike and Rosalyn Wort,

Mike Codd and Roy Thomas.  This example set had the effect of encouraging supporters such as Mrs Tina Jones, Chris Mckeen, Brian Griffiths, John and Susan Hayes, Mark Edwards and my son and daughter to give generously.

Jonathan Twigg, Barbara Morgan and Roy Whitfield all provided teams and this in turn, encouraged the Cricket Club, Soroptimists and the Haverfordwest Ladies Choir to join in the fun.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the generosity of the winning team led by Lynne Hart and the Runners Up led by Tricia Thomas for donating their prizes to our cause.

Once again, thanks to one and all.

Pat Lewis