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AGM Archives - Haverfordwest Racecourse

Annual General Meeting 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Parks Trust will be held in the Haverfordwest Cricket Club on Thursday 14th April at 19.00.  

Any users of the Haverfordwest Upper Racecourse are welcome to attend. 

The wearing of masks is encouraged.

Secretary’s Report


(Charity No: 509842)


It was so pleasing to witness the very large turn out at our AGM on Tuesday 17th August. Fifty people attended to show their interest in the running of our affairs and all appeared satisfied with the standards achieved during the troubled months of the pandemic. Thanks to all who attended and all those who expressed their support.


The finances of the past two years prompted a number of well delivered questions and those posing them seemed to be satisfied with all matters except for those surrounding the level of financial assistance provided by our Town Council.

The Mayor, Cllr Alan Buckfield, gave an explanation as to why the Council had decided not to grant financial assistance. His remarks appeared to suggest that if I had submitted a request, then it would have been favourably considered.

I may have misunderstood him but many I have spoken to since the meeting have confirmed my understanding. They felt that a further explanation to the one I gave at the meeting might serve to clarify the position for those who attended the meeting as well as give important information for the many that were unable to attend.


On April 23rd 2020 I submitted a Grant request in the prescribed manner.

On August 26th 2020 the Town Clerk replied asking me to resubmit my application. This would be reviewed under the new policy.

On 2nd October 2020 I resubmitted.

On 24th November 2020 the Council requested further information.

On 17th December 2020 the Council requested far more details.

On 27th January 2021 the Council’s Administration Officer emailed with this message:-

            ‘Further to your application and all the additional information you kindly provided, I regret to inform you that at a recent meeting of Haverfordwest Town Council it was decided that they are unable to offer support in respect of funding towards this project’.

I hasten to add that my submission was made in the knowledge that it met fully the stipulations laid down in the Council’s Policy and Guidance Document heading Who can Apply and in full knowledge of that document’s paragraph:-

            ‘It will also consider revenue costs if it can be demonstrated that lack of funds has an adverse effect on the town and its residents’.

The Council’s present Policy was decided in April of this year and prevents us, and the Portfield Recreation, from seeking assistance with running costs by dictating that;

            ‘Grants shall not cover an organisations core running (revenue) costs’.

It would not be proper for us to seek grant aid for capital projects as we will have access to nearly £53,000 of Sec.106 from the Persimmon Homes development. We must recognise the withdrawal of assistance with revenue costs from the land owners (Haverfordwest Town Council) for at least three (3) years.

Therefore, we must recognise that we will be totally reliant on the generosity of local organisations and the ingenuity of our committee and its friends if we are to maintain the high standards we have achieved.

Peter Lewis JP

Annual General Meeting 2019

The Haverfordwest Public Parks Trust AGM will be held on Tuesday 21st May 2019.

It will be held at Haverfordwest Cricket Club, starting at 7.15pm.

Any users of the Haverfordwest Upper Racecourse are welcome to attend.

Annual General Meeting 2018

The Haverfordwest Public Parks Trust AGM will be held on Thursday 28th June 2018.

It will be held at Haverfordwest Cricket Club, starting at 7pm.

Any users of the Haverfordwest Upper Racecourse are welcome to attend.