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Funding Archives - Haverfordwest Racecourse

Loss of Town Council Funding for the Racecourse

This year the Haverfordwest Town Council has withdrawn its financial support for the Racecourse.  We are not aware of any reason for this.

The following letter to the Town Clerk is to start exploring alternative funding sources,

Madam Town Clerk

I am in receipt of the email dated 27th January 2017 written in response to the application for financial support submitted on behalf of the Haverfordwest Racecourse Public Parks Trust.

You will almost certainly not be surprised to learn that we are very disappointed to know that Haverfordwest Town Council has withdrawn its long standing financial support of our work.

However, life goes on, and we must take comfort from the fact that so many of our townspeople express appreciation of our efforts, especially during these trying times when mental and physical health are under threat.

As Spring and Summer approach, we look forward to welcoming back our young cricketers and footballers, and participating in the weekly Park Run.

In her email, Ms Rees invited me to contact you for advice on possible alternative income streams.  Such help would be greatly appreciated and I hope to hear from you in the very near future.

Yours sincerely

Peter Lewis

Secretary of the Haverfordwest racecourse Public Parks Trust