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July 2024 - Haverfordwest Racecourse

New Storage

We need your help

We are asking all Racecourse users to help to raise funds for a new shed

The Trust maintains the Haverfordwest Racecourse which comprises 57 acres of recreational parkland and includes sports pitches, paths, woodland and meadow. This facility is free and is enjoyed by people of all ages from the local community all year round. It is particularly popular with dog walkers and is also used regularly by multi-sports groups such as Cricket, Football and the Park Runners.

We have obtained a new tractor and a specialised mower to create and enhance some wildflower meadows; this is in addition to the routine grass cutting. This new equipment exceeds our current storage capability and the mower has to be stored off-site.

We are about to proceed with a block-built extension to the current storage garage.

We need to raise £30,000 to complete this project.

The Haverfordwest Town Council have generously agreed to match any donations up to £7,500 so your donation could be doubled.





The extension will replace the ancient and rusting container