Equipment Store Funding Progress

We have made some progress since starting our fundraising drive to enlarge the equipment store and, although we are actively pursuing other sources of funding, we still really need your involvement.

Using our link below makes the process very easy and enables those eligible taxpayers to claim Gift Aid which means the Trust can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.

We understand that some may be reluctant or unable to use an on-line donation system so, if you would still like to contribute, you are invited to send or leave a cheque, made out to Haverfordwest Racecourse (Public Park) Trust, inside a sealed envelope addressed to:

The Secretary
averfordwest Racecourse Trust
c/o the Haverfordwest Cricket Club
Dale Road
SA61 1HZ

You may prefer to make donations directly to our bank account via BACS at:

Name:  H/West Racecourse/Public Park/Tr
Sort Code:  30-93-98
Account Number:  00027276

We are very grateful for those who have donated and those that will donate for this project.

Mike Wort

New Storage

We need your help

We are asking all Racecourse users to help to raise funds for a new shed

The Trust maintains the Haverfordwest Racecourse which comprises 57 acres of recreational parkland and includes sports pitches, paths, woodland and meadow. This facility is free and is enjoyed by people of all ages from the local community all year round. It is particularly popular with dog walkers and is also used regularly by multi-sports groups such as Cricket, Football and the Park Runners.

We have obtained a new tractor and a specialised mower to create and enhance some wildflower meadows; this is in addition to the routine grass cutting. This new equipment exceeds our current storage capability and the mower has to be stored off-site.

We are about to proceed with a block-built extension to the current storage garage.

We need to raise £30,000 to complete this project.

The Haverfordwest Town Council have generously agreed to match any donations up to £7,500 so your donation could be doubled.





The extension will replace the ancient and rusting container

Plant Sale

We are holding a Fundraising Plant Sale on 29th April. 
From 11am – 2pm at the Cricket Club entrance.
All funds raised will go towards the maintenance and improvement of the Upper Racecourse so spread the word to all your friends and relatives.
Donations of plants will be gratefully received up to and on the day.

Congratulations Kevin

Kevin Wheeler’s fundraising challenge over this half-term

At the end of Saturday’s official Parkrun Kevin completed twenty-five identical runs of 5km every 5 hours over 6 days, a distance of 125km giving him only about 3½ hours between runs to sleep..

His chosen charities, to benefit from his amazing achievement, are the Haverfordwest Racecourse (Public Park) Trust and the Wales Air Ambulance Charity.

We are very grateful to Kevin for such generosity in his time and energy spent in support of two worthy causes.

If you would like to add to his total, please visit these links or use the QR Codes:



Kevin Wheeler’s Half Term Challenge

Kevin Wheeler has set himself a fundraising challenge over the next half-term.

It is a tough target. 125km overall, starting 09:00 Monday 25th October from the start line of Haverfordwest Parkrun. It is just over 77 miles, and success is by no means certain. 25 consecutive runs at all different hours.
Indeed, health and fitness are no means certain, and we have a fantastic free-to-use resource in the Haverfordwest Racecourse. If you use this great open space, why not join me for a run? I will be aiming for about 30 minutes and will welcome any support runners at any time.
Updates at our Facebook Group.
Kevin is sharing his fundraising with the Wales Air Ambulance Charity which can be found at:

Generous donation from The Freemen of Haverfordwest

We are incredibly grateful to the Gild of Freemen of Haverfordwest for their generous donation of £250 to the Racecourse Trust at this time when we are totally reliant on support from members and our local community.

The Gild of Freemen of Haverfordwest held their Benefactor’s Service at St Martin’s Church on Sunday, 3rd of October 2021, and met later in St Martin’s Church Hall for the Gild Charitable donations of support which were also presented to the Haverfordwest Museum and the Portfield Recreation Committee.

Peter’s Fundraising Walk from the Racecourse to Little Haven


As you know, the secretary of the Racecourse Public Parks Trust, Peter Lewis, chose to mark the occasion of his eightieth birthday by partaking in a 10,000 metre walk which stretched from the Racecourse to the St Brides Inn in Little Haven.

The aim was to raise much needed funds for the Upper Racecourse and as I am his wife I undertook the responsibility of seeking financial support from those of you who use our wonderful facilities.

Peter reminds me that all he did was walk the six miles, the success depended on the generosity of others.

We set ourselves a target of £500 and you can imagine our surprise and delight when we report that the final figure is £1,530.

This speaks volumes for the popularity of the Racecourse and even more so for the generosity of the people of our community.

Thank you all and please please continue to support and enjoy our wonderful Racecourse.

Patricia Lewis (Committee Member)

❤   Late Donations Welcome

Quiz Night

A Message of thanks from Pat Lewis

On Friday 6th March 2020 it was my privilege to organise, along with Bill Carne, a Fun Quiz Night designed to raise much needed funds for the Racecourse Public Parks Trust.

I am pleased to report that we raised the sum of £775.

Only too often we forget to say thank you to the people who help to make such an event successful. I would like to make sure that this is not the case on this occasion by listing those who made such important contributions. I run the risk of missing someone out and I hope they will forgive me if this proves to be the case. However, I feel it important to show appreciation to the many people who helped to raise such a fantastic sum of money.

Thank you to Haverfordwest Cricket Club for allowing us the use of its facilities and to Mark Coneybeare fo his assistance. Thanks to Bill Carne, our resident Question Master and his wife Marilyn, who together provided such enjoyable entertainment.

£235 raised by the raffle speaks volumes for the high regard that the Racecourse is held in by those present. Thanks must go to Councillor Roy Thomas and his wife Shirley for their wonderful sales technique.

It is a credit to the Committee of the Racecourse Public Parks Trust that so many members contributed to the success of the evening. All three officers gave a generous donation along with Mrs Maureen Pratt, Cllr Chris Thomas, David Loosmore, Mike and Rosalyn Wort,

Mike Codd and Roy Thomas.  This example set had the effect of encouraging supporters such as Mrs Tina Jones, Chris Mckeen, Brian Griffiths, John and Susan Hayes, Mark Edwards and my son and daughter to give generously.

Jonathan Twigg, Barbara Morgan and Roy Whitfield all provided teams and this in turn, encouraged the Cricket Club, Soroptimists and the Haverfordwest Ladies Choir to join in the fun.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge the generosity of the winning team led by Lynne Hart and the Runners Up led by Tricia Thomas for donating their prizes to our cause.

Once again, thanks to one and all.

Pat Lewis