Peter’s Fundraising Walk from the Racecourse to Little Haven


As you know, the secretary of the Racecourse Public Parks Trust, Peter Lewis, chose to mark the occasion of his eightieth birthday by partaking in a 10,000 metre walk which stretched from the Racecourse to the St Brides Inn in Little Haven.

The aim was to raise much needed funds for the Upper Racecourse and as I am his wife I undertook the responsibility of seeking financial support from those of you who use our wonderful facilities.

Peter reminds me that all he did was walk the six miles, the success depended on the generosity of others.

We set ourselves a target of £500 and you can imagine our surprise and delight when we report that the final figure is £1,530.

This speaks volumes for the popularity of the Racecourse and even more so for the generosity of the people of our community.

Thank you all and please please continue to support and enjoy our wonderful Racecourse.

Patricia Lewis (Committee Member)

❤   Late Donations Welcome