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Equipment Store Funding Progress

Equipment Store Funding Progress

We have made some progress since starting our fundraising drive to enlarge the equipment store and, although we are actively pursuing other sources of funding, we still really need your involvement.

Using our link below makes the process very easy and enables those eligible taxpayers to claim Gift Aid which means the Trust can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It will not cost you any extra.

We understand that some may be reluctant or unable to use an on-line donation system so, if you would still like to contribute, you are invited to send or leave a cheque, made out to Haverfordwest Racecourse (Public Park) Trust, inside a sealed envelope addressed to:

The Secretary
averfordwest Racecourse Trust
c/o the Haverfordwest Cricket Club
Dale Road
SA61 1HZ

You may prefer to make donations directly to our bank account via BACS at:

Name:  H/West Racecourse/Public Park/Tr
Sort Code:  30-93-98
Account Number:  00027276

We are very grateful for those who have donated and those that will donate for this project.

Mike Wort